I hate it when weather throws my body cycles off. This weekend, temperatures dropped into the teens and it started snowing again. Today, the weather has miraculously heated up and it's 70 degrees outside. The sun is shining and people are wearing shorts and tanks, whereas yesterday the only skin you could see while walking down the sidewalk was the noses of people sticking out from bundles of scarves and parkas.
Due to the climatic shift, I'm going to take off my shoes and walk around on the budding green grass, wet from slushy snow. Then, I'm going to start digging around in the backyard. The house is too warm on the inside, since the heat was turned up because of the cold. I have to wait until it cools down before I spend too much time in there. Thankfully, the house lends itself it having many large windows, to air it out. I'm sitting on the patio now, eating cherry pie, listening to some Caspian . . . Mogwai . . . etc.

Also, yesterday, to brighten my spirits, I went to the salon . . . got a hair cut . . . and a dye. At first it felt awkward trading my dark locks for a lighter shade, but I was beginning to get this skunk stripe of gray hair in my bangs (yeah, I am vain enough to dye it out) . . . and well . . . it makes me look more . . . youthful. I haven't had a pixie cut since I was 18. This makes me remember why I liked it so much.
Well, if the weather stays constant, I think over the weekend I'll pack a knapsack, drive east, and go hiking. I have the strongest urge to be outside all of the time. I've been a little down lately, with the whole supernatural-forces-being-against-me-thing, but I don't know, the air makes me want to believe everything is going to become right again. Well, I should go and run around in the lawn . . . check up on the activity in the greenhouse . . . dig up some dirt . . . the usual. Later I'm going to drive into campus to check up on things at the lab and participate in the blood drive they're holding this week. I never miss a chance to donate . . . it gives me one of those natural highs. Weird, I know.
nice pics - nice to see who´s behind the text - you should post pics from your trip/hike too - salute.
Glad you enjoyed the photos. I suppose there's a little less mystery and anonymity, now that I've posted my face on the interweb. But eh-
Oh, and I'll be sure to take many pictures to post during the hike this weekend . . . and when I go to Seattle the following week.
yes - post pics! i´m ambivalent towards sharing pics of myself - but - after the debut - i realized that it didn´t change anything - after all - debuts seldom do - change things i mean - salute.
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