Monday, March 2, 2009

I Can't Sleep: Why I'm going to spend the night gorging myself on ice cream, strawberry syrup, and really bad monster movies.

I'm awake, still. It's the wee hours of the morning, and I find that I can't fall asleep, which is distressing since I've got a bunch of hours I have to punch at the lab tomorrow and I'd rather not do so drained from lack of sleep. At least John's still awake too. He's downstairs making ice cream sundaes (I had this craving for peanuts and strawberry syrup . . . don't ask). We're going to stay up watching bad monster movies until, 1) the dawn breaks and both of us have to head off to our respective workplaces or, 2) the sleeping pill I took 30 minutes decides to take effect and I crash just long enough to restore some energy, but not sound enough so that I sleep through the alarm clocks I've set up. Hopefully the latter is going to occur. For now, I can hear the patter of John's footsteps coming up the stairs. It's time for ice cream . . . and hot bruschetta. Yum.

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