Sheesh. I haven't posted in nearly two weeks. I've been a little out of touch with my computer. After arriving in Chicago I stayed there over the holidays . . . hung out . . . had a run in with Septimus (who never showed up in Montreal . . . but did make it for a reunion in Chicago) . . . and then caught a rental car to St. Louis to meet up with John and his . . . uh, family. We stayed there until Tuesday the next week. I have to say those five days with the entirety of the Hagebak family was the best family reunion I have ever endured . . . and I'm not even related to them. I think it's because they don't speak a tongue that I know very well, so I either had to have everything important translated for me, or I went with my more enjoyable option, I interpreted everything they were saying via body language. Overall the stay was splendid, I got to enjoy my yearly fill of lutefisk (yum) and pushy grandmothers.
After arriving back here, home, finally, I rested for the entire day. Lounged. Read. The weather warmed up to such a tolerable degree that I went outside and ran around in the trees soaking up the shine of the sun. Hmm, I think I've covered the past two weeks up to the present. Oh wait, I suppose I should mention something about the new year . . . okay, well, it's a new year. Enjoy it and the coming seasons. My mother had the colloquialism that "what you do in the first of the new year is what you will be doing for the rest of the year." The first of the year has past, so I guess this really wouldn't help anyone.
On a side note I spent my new year's day playing Scrabble, drinking grape soda, and watching old silent films. I guess I'll being doing that all the time now.
lutefisk! that´s my favorite during christmas. served by scandinavians maybe? go scrabble!
It was served by scandinavians, naturally. Around this region they're really the only culture that makes it right.
Favorite scrabble word played today: aqueous
Sounds like a great time, heh. Remember to tell John to mail me those cards- I'd like to get this blitz going.
He put them in the post today- so, you'll be able to enjoy them in a couple of business days
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