I believe I wrote in my previous post some spiel how Belle & Sebastian is for those times when I'm in one want of all things pure and innocent (kind of like a way to cleanse my soul) which is kind of ironic . . . since the subject matter of their songs is sometimes a little less than pure . . . and probably questionable (but hey, I'm no ninny) . . . it's just the sound, though . . . it's the sound of something pure, and because of both of these qualities it makes great driving music.
My favorite instance where Belle & Sebastian is perfect: It's about 7:30 in the morning maybe a little earlier at 7:00 or a little later at 8:00, but not much past those times. You're in you're car on a morning commute 30 miles away . . . driving down the lanes of roadway past the 'burbs . . . there's a light layer of snow coating the ground and your windshield, windows still have patches of frost and ice stuck to them because you didn't have enough time to defrost the car before you left . . . at this time you have some light B&S playing in the background maybe something like "If You Find Yourself Caught in Love" maybe a little "Lord Anthony" . . . then you finally get to the big road exchange that'll take you to the highway for the longer extent of the commute, and right when your about to pull off onto the highway . . . about to merge into oncoming traffic . . . you can't. Why? Because somebody from these damn Midwestern states is driving 25 mph on the highway, completely freaking out about the snow layer and on the ground that was left over from a snowy incident four days prior . . . they don't even try to switch over to the many other four lanes, with virtually no traffic on them, to allow you to merge . . . therefore, you have to break, come to a stop, and allow them to pass . . . and then while they're passing they become rather rude, flash you a mean glare and rather rude hand gesture . . . enragement (yeah I know it's not a word) on your side ensues . . . allowing that the light side of B&S no longer fits, so you can immediately switch over to something like "Judy and The Dream of Horses, " We Are the Sleepyheads", or even "Dear Catastrophe Waitress" to better suit the mood.
Of course, this situation is clearly circumstantial . . . and applies really only to . . . well, me, but hey, it still fits . . . and I'd say try it if you ever happen to . . . but I know nobody else will ever happen to be in the same. Therefore, I will pacify you with pictures for making you read such a long and pointless story.

Hi there
Long time no see.Scanned your blog for the first time in a while. How's life these days? Hive John a hand for the fancy multi-course meal.
At our house these days its fend for yourself. Lynn was extended 4 months this year with the Canadian Revenue Agency, and I'm fishing two species of fish yet, new church plant, and started teaching a Class 2 hours drive away on Fridays. I'm just tired all the time. 3 more weeks. My grade 11 son is taking the class I'm teaching (Perspectives on The World Christian Movement) and it has been exciting to hob knob with the students. They complain about the work, but I would like to introduce them to "life" some day.
Anyway, just stopping to say hello!
Never heard of "Belle & Sebastian" until now. It reflects my ignorance of finer things I suppose, but I think Africa took that bend out of me I think.
Have a good one.
It has been a while, I suppose . . . but you haven't been missing much. I've been pretty busy lately, and now that John's parents are coming over he's been flustered about everything . . . the meals have been delicious though.
Your life seems hectic enough, with everything. I really don't know how you handle it all! I can barely get through work and school (I've decided to go back and continue through for a doctoral . . . ugh, not to sound like one of your student complaining about schoolwork though!)
Anyways, I hope things clear up soon, and you're able to get some rest!
A Doctoral?
WOW is all I can say. I have enough with homeschooling here. One son is out of the nest this year and off to college. But really, the other two read a ton of books and learn twice as much as I did in school, and I check them once a day for like 1/2 hr.
Our Home school methodology works really well. Can't imagine doing school....well.... like school anymore.
Anyway, I made one last stab at getting an official Masters degree. Every time I make moves, something happens. I started again this past winter and after one class I had to drop out again. (I think I now have 4 classes from various places.) The New church plant and a change in life focus just made it impossible again. Anyway, I am not disappointed. But I have told my wife I'm just giving up on the idea forever now. I have much to learn but I am a good learner on my own anyway, so that helps. I think it's just that we have done so much that required "digging deep", that school bores me.After 3 languages, anthropological studies and rural Africa and planting 9 churches.. well.... we have been exposed to a lot. But the end result is I get bored way to easy in Canada most days :-) Anyway, we will soon be finished fishing -3 weeks or so and with the dismal catches this week, next week might be possibly be the close of mackerel for us.
Does John's parents live in the US or do they fly over from Norway (Is that the right country?) Anyway, have a good visit. Hope you learn to connect with them well. Family really is precious!
Yeah . . . I wasn't even going to try for a doctorate, but at the end of spring and over the summer I had a long chat with advisors and etc . . . and thought hey, why not? I'm kind of half regretting it now, but I know that a couple years from now if I didn't at least try this path, I'd regret it more. So, here I am! I've gotten so used to this grind that it hardly even phases me anymore . . . I just get up, go to a class or two . . . do some work . . . and then lope around for the rest of the day. But in a month or two, I'll be feeling it when midterms arrive and I'm scrabbling to study, write reports, and everything else.
In answer to your question John's parents live in the US, in St. Louis. His family immigrated here, I believe ten, maybe fifteen, years ago from Norway.
Anyways, good luck with fishing and everything.
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