Wednesday, September 10, 2008

A.C. Newman: Sounds for the Daily Commuter in April.

So today is A.C. Newman, of whom one might know as being a front man for the New Pornographers. I suppose this is the best place to start, because, listening to him is like the beginning of a brand-new mix . . . you know, these are the kind of songs that you put at the beginning of a newly configured driving mix for those long commutes to work in April (I know from the experiences of my own life). So, go out, configure a mix, and start driving . . . OR . . . you, could follow the other situation in which his music fits: rain.

Anyways, I'm kind of looking forward to the rest of the day, so I suppose I should go. I'll post more later or whatever . . . you know, whenever something comes to me . . . yeah. 

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