Friday, March 28, 2008

Temperature Problems No Longer on The Fritz: Why I Won't Have to Spend the Night Shivering Myself to Sleep.

The blower stopped working in the flat, and that's why everything seemed to go crazy cold for last night. I have to say though, I was wondering when something like that was going to happen here. Despite the fact that when I moved in here, I was completely in love with the place because my previous residence was less than to be desired (if you remember, the bathroom was separated from the kitchen by a curtain,) I was also overlooking the fact that the place was still a piece of abandoned run-down crap. Yeah, it works, but it's just not . . . working?

So, segway. John and I are going house hunting. We decided that we're ready to take that step . . . or more like John decided that, seeing as he was the main driving force since he never wants to spend another night shivering asleep. Oh, and he recently got a promotion and booko pay raise and I'm getting pulled on with a nice company, plus, back when I was setting up my brackish tank I got the digs with the store owner and have been pulling part time hours ever since. I suppose my point is, we've recently discovered (through way of the monthly finance check-up we had Thursday) that we now have quite an overabundance of extra funds, and by looking into houses, we're trying to find the easiest, most effective way of getting rid of them. But, hey, we might as well invest in ourselves, eh?


Anonymous said...

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Eve said...

Thanks for the comment. It's nice to know that someone, found this place interesting (I guess?) If I have time I'll pop on over to you blog . . . It's taken me a day to be able to write this, so it might take a while.