Sunday, February 17, 2008

The Parents are Driving in Creating a Weeklong Event of Me Being the "Perfect-Hostess."

I suppose last night was just one of those nights, because it seems my mood has shifted once more for the hopeful. Today, it much like all those other days . . . I woke up and went to morning service and afterward John picked me up so we could go out the market. His parents are coming to stay with us this week . . . which makes me nervous. I don't know. They're nice people, but I don't know if I'm completely comfortable with them staying with us for so . . . long. I'm just not the "perfect-hostess" type, and it took a good hour or so of grinding on me before John convinced me to agree to it. Hmm . . . we'll see how it works out.

Oh, today I woke up feeling for that country, folkish, rock mood, so I put on Billy Bragg & Wilco's "Mermaid Avenue" and it just hit the spot.

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