So I've got the shingles. . . again. . . this isn't the first time. At least this is what I have deduced from the beginning formation of pustules on my face/eye region. I know the symptoms by now. . . tingling sensation in the eye region, pustule formation. . . I've had them so many times I can't count it on my fingers. I'm going to the eye doctor tomorrow. . . already made an appointment. . . because I kind of want to look presentable within a week and a half, as I have a conference to go to. . . and I know how shingles on the face puts you back in the "oh, god, what is that!?!" category of presentable-ness. It like someone takes a blender and rolls your face in it and then coats your face with corn flakes to give it that crusty appearance. Inflamed and crusty. Not a good combination.
Oh, by the way, I still have a 101 F temperature and am vomiting quite frequently (I don't know why though, seeing as all the contents of my stomach should have been removed by now) . . . and I don't know the cause of that. . . sure isn't the shingles.
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