Wednesday, April 15, 2009

There is always time for pie.

I've been able to to post the frequencies of my life these past couple of weeks (I'm not including my last post into the mix, because quit frankly it was a spattering, to make myself feel as if I've been keeping up to date). Work has become more busy. I spent the last two weekends (Thursday-Sunday) on down at the Gulf (of California) doing field work and then for the weekdays (Monday-Thursday) in the lab, running samples and punching data sets. I'm not complaining per se, but it's exhausting. Throw in a bunch of students and homework problems, and I'm left with no time at all to compose my thoughts. Today, at least I got a break to leave early and have spent the afternoon in the garden, tending to my seed sprouts, listening to bearable music, and making strawberry tart (and naturally then, eating a bit). 

It looks yummy, huh? Well, that's because it is. Ha. 

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