From the title, you might be able to assume I know nothing about the soils of my region. Well, okay, truthfully, I know a little bit about the some soils . . . but not from my region . . . and I don't really know what to do with what I do know.
The reason for my lack of knowledge? I don't care enough.
The reason for my predicament? You know all that "work" I've been doing . . . the work other than my job (which is already too much) . . . it's been devoted towards, my soils knowledge. Let's just say that I took a plunge this year . . . I wanted to gain a better understanding of other areas outside my line of expertise (ecological biodiversity in the fields of marine biology and entomology) so I decided to take a course in something land based . . . Pedology (soils for the layman). Quite frankly, it's killing me.

I suppose I should say . . . I'm not actually have trouble understanding the concepts and the reason behind my research. I'm just having trouble putting it all into words . . . or at least enough words to meet the minimum page requirement for the length of text (that's what it basically is) that I'm being required to write. Everything I have so far . . . well, it's bile.
Thankfully, I do not have to deal with John being home tonight, so I have the music on loud, switching between Cat Power and Bonnie "Prince" Billy. Thankfully, today was a Tuesday so I only worked till eleven . . . then I was able to come home, nap for about an hour, and then work out a little tension via baking the most delicious sponge roll I've ever produced. The cream filling is to die for . . . it's a vanilla passion fruit (homegrown from the vine over this summer) combo . . . and it's all topped with a little powdered sugar and raspberries. Yum.

The music just switched over to The Hold Steady . . . which I should go and fix immediately. It's throwing off the mood. Completely. I also think I'll go and whip up a dinner that is a little more healthy than sponge roll . . . maybe something like Mediterranean . . . like mojadara, yum.
Well first, I think I'll go get that drink before anything else. I'm going to need it.
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