Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Did I Mention I Went Exploring Today?

In light of the fact that I wasn't able to get my daily breathe of fresh air in the usual manner today, I took a walk. Adventured around the property . . . something that I hadn't yet been able to do since moving here. Everything was pretty much covered in snow, but visually it was quite appealing. I mean, who doesn't like hazy pictures of frosty snow laden landscapes? They're more captivating than the alternative . . . pictures of the forest covered in detritus, leaves, accumulations of organic matter and trash, all brought to light by the heat of the sun and the tilt of the Earth's axis. But snow, well, it covers all this up. 

Despite the chill, it was nice to get outside though . . . experience a world outside that of my house, work, and educational obligations. Plus, I haven't had a reason to put my all-weather waterproofed hiking boots on since . . . well, forever (I had thought I would get the chance in Alaska . . . but that didn't pan out for me). I guess I didn't really need them since it's not exactly like I needed traction climbing any steep inclines on our property, but I couldn't decide whether it would be better to wear gollashes or hiking boots. Obviously, I went with the boot . . . and it wasn't a bad idea. 

When I got inside, I made cocoa and sat in front of the fireplace to thaw. It was comforting. Reminded me of being a child again . . . except I never sat in front of the fireplace as a child drinking cocoa . . . I didn't drink cocoa. My mother was allergic to chocolate, so she didn't allow any chocolate byproducts into the house. I guess she was afraid I might inadvertently kill her. 

Well, all this speak of family reminds me that I got a call from Septimus, my brother, today. He's meeting me in Montreal. Says we should fly to Chicago together. I don't exactly know how he found out that I was heading to Montreal this Friday (though I suspect John might have been partially to blame . . . I think he writes him letters, suspicious), but he did and said he was catching a plane there. Says he has most exuberant finds and that he'd be bringing them with him to Montreal . . . which most definitely means he's bringing some more philosophical propaganda and mixtapes . . . so he doesn't have to mail them to me. 

Anyways, it will be good to see my brother. He's relaxing. Mellow. Always so calm. Adores John because they both "understand" jazz . . . whatever that means. I expect that he'll want to go and visit my mother with me. It's the real motive. Weirdo. 


Gin said...

Sounds like a nice walk, Ev. I would've killed for a cup of cocoa yesterday. The mobs here were crazy.

By the way, revived the blog last week. We'll see how it works out, after a year being dead.

Eve said...

I see you did revive the blog. Wow. I never thought that that would happen. The walk was great, in the snow. I know how you love the snow.

Don't worry about the mobs. I'm dealing with them here too. See you in Montreal. We'll drink cocoa together.