Thursday, October 2, 2008

Yo La Tengo: Music For The Twelve O'Clock.

So yeah, I've been slacking with the musical selections, so today I'll be posting like a million of them. Starting today off, Yo La Tengo! This is music for the afternoon, you like some music is great for waking up and then other selctions are better for when its evening and dark out.  This is "it's twelve o'clock outside and the sun is shinging brightly and there is nothing that can stop the day from . . . being" music. Recently I put on the Yo La Tengo "I Am Not Afraid of You and Will Beat Your Ass" while I was slicing fruit in the afternoon . . . doing laundry . . . making gourd birdhouses.  You know all those multiple mid-afternoon, 12-4 pm activities you did when you're not at work. You turn the Yo La Tengo up really loud (because you can) and everything goes a little quicker.

Also, in the Alaskan Road Trip mix (John and I leave one week from now! EXCITED!), I've placed Yo La Tengo in the "Montana" part of the trip (I've divided the musical selections via state to make the task easier for me . . . we currently have the "Kansas," "Nebraska," "South Dakota," "Wyoming," "Montana," Idaho," Washington," "British Columbia," and "Alaska!" music mixes . . . they're not all finished, obviously). Anyways, that's all I have to write for now, goodbye. 


mgi said...

one of my favorites. great band. nice blog. just arrived. cheers.

Eve said...

Merci! (I'm practicing my French)

It's always nice to meet another Yo La Tengo fan.

mgi said...

i also see that you´re supposed to write (more) about tortoise. love their music. have seen them live a couple of times too. superb soundtrack for a long winter in scandinavia. au revoir.

Eve said...

You like Tortoise as well? I've posted what I've written about them, which wasn't much.

Not that they sound much the same, but do you like Slint or The Sea and Cake? or maybe Galaxie 500? Just wondering. You might want to check them out if not-

mgi said...

I have a couple of The Sea and Cake albums and have seen them perform once (atpfestival 2001). Yo la Tengo played as well. Great festival. Camber Sands, south England. Don´t know to much about the other two. I´ll check them out. I think Slint curated atp once? Have you been to the festival? For all i know you might be the festival. Do you know the norwegian band Salvatore? John Mc from Tortoise has produced at least one of their albums. Great band i think.

Eve said...

I went to the atp festival this year, in new york. It was a great festival . . . saw Tortoise there, actually, along with uh, Built to Spill, I believe. And, I’ve been going to pitchfork in Chicago for the past ten years now. Since 2007, I believe, atp has been curating some of the acts . . . like this year they curated performances by Public Enemy and Sebadoh. The year before I think it was Slint and Sonic Youth. All wonderful performances. Have you ever been to pitchfork? It’s a great festival . . . usually has a superb lineup.

Salvatore? I have their album Tempo. I used to put it on at night to fall asleep; I really dig those soft electronica beats. Haven’t heard much else of theirs though.