So, yeah . . . I'm a sucker for those indie rock bands . . . like The Thermals. Hmmm . . . The Thermals are music for two occasions: the first being, rainy (and by rainy, I mean it's been raining for three days straight and there's now a river coming through your back yard now because the ground's no longer able to keep up with it) days in the summer and the second being snowy (and by snowy I mean there's at least a foot of snow and you're running around in it building awesome snow men and women with carrots for noses and igloos in it) days in the winter. For some reason, for me at least, these are the days when this music works the most . . . so, well, watch out, for these days (as they are rare and few) and when they happen to come along . . . pop some of The Thermals on and enjoy.
Eye Vomit:

Hmmm . . . I suppose I have nothing else to say . . . other than, this is my third post for today (I think) and well, I suppose I should stop for today . . . I haven't had any lunch and well, John had the good graces to pack me a lunch today (in a brown paper sack and everything). Too bad that I got home before lunchtime and there had no reason to pull out the paper sack at work/school/whatever. Now, I'm going to go and open it up and check out what goodies lie inside . . . I hope it's pita and hummus . . . and mango . . . no some plum . . . no mangoes AND plums . . . maybe a little banana on the side . . . yum.
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