NOW: Back to the real theme of this post . . . Good Shoes. Now, this is good blog writing music . . . or even just writing music in general. Flashback to last fall again: just after I got over that string of stomach flu and shingles (on my face, AH!) I was dealing with tons of writing and research . . . (and more and more of both of those things than I would ever be able to impress upon you) . . . and to get through the strenuous task of writing about something so over-exhausted/over-researched as what I was writing about (I'm not even going to get into that) I popped on the Good Shoes and made it . . . thankfully! I think its that whole UKian indie pop thing . . . that gets me through things . . . Los Campesinos! for stressful grading . . . Good Shoes for writing . . . Belle & Sebastian for commutes . . . Camera Obscura for (hmmm, I dunno, showers?) . . . ANYWAYS, I'm getting off topic.
So, now I suppose this is the pertain of the post that I post a couple pictures to break the monotony and give my typing fingers a tad bit of a break . . . okay?

And now I suppose is where I leave to . . . do something else . . . I think I'm going to take a nap . . . or maybe get some lunch. John didn't have the good graces to pack me another lunch today since I told him yesterday that I didn't/wasn't able to eat the lunch he packed yesterday. I'm going to get some mango, avocado, plum, pear, grapes . . . and maybe a little banana . . . and chop them up into little chunks before impaling them on long toothpicks to make what I'm calling a fruit explosion shishkabob . . . and yes, it's quite delicious.
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