Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Good Shoes: Why I Can Never Find the Right Pair of Shoes Mixed with an Appropriate Snippet About Los Campesinos!.

So I feel bad, for not commenting much on Los Campesinos! yesterday, therefore I will be throwing a minor snippet in with this post about Good Shoes (yeah, I was totally playing up a horribly bad pun with the title . . . reality though, I never can find the right pair of shoes . . . sheesh). Anyways, I have their (Los Campesinos!) album Hold on Now, Youngster . . . and their EP Sticking Fingers into Sockets, from which their Pavement cover of "Frontwards" is on . . . which if you can't tell I adore . . . because yeah . . . I like Pavement . . . uhh, yeah. I'm getting off track a little bit I guess, so back to Los Campesinos!, rather than Pavement. This is music for the the working day, whenever I'm spending one of those long nights at the office (despite the fact that its not a office). For instance last year at this time during those long night grading papers while being snowed in on the weekends . . .  this was the comfort music that made me not want to poke my eyes out due to the large number of syntax errors (I mean really who forgets to capitalize "I" over and over again . . . especially when the essay's suppose to be written in third person? AH!).  

NOW: Back to the real theme of this post . . . Good Shoes. Now, this is good blog writing music . . . or even just writing music in general. Flashback to last fall again: just after I got over that string of stomach flu and shingles (on my face, AH!) I was dealing with tons of writing and research . . . (and more and more of both of those things than I would ever be able to impress upon you)  . . . and to get through the strenuous task of writing about something so over-exhausted/over-researched as what I was writing about (I'm not even going to get into that) I popped on the Good Shoes and made it . . . thankfully! I think its that whole UKian indie pop thing . . . that gets me through things . . . Los Campesinos! for stressful grading . . . Good Shoes for writing . . . Belle & Sebastian for commutes . . . Camera Obscura for (hmmm, I dunno, showers?)  . . . ANYWAYS, I'm getting off topic. 

So, now I suppose this is the pertain of the post that I post a couple pictures to break the monotony and give my typing fingers a tad bit of a break . . . okay?

And now I suppose is where I leave to . . . do something else . . . I think I'm going to take a nap . . . or maybe get some lunch. John didn't have the good graces to pack me another lunch today since I told him yesterday that I didn't/wasn't able to eat the lunch he packed yesterday.  I'm going to get some mango, avocado, plum, pear, grapes . . . and maybe a little banana . . . and chop them up into little chunks before impaling them on long toothpicks to make what I'm calling a fruit explosion shishkabob . . . and yes, it's quite delicious.  

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