Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Coughing, Hiccuping, Coughing: While Cats Like Chicken Liver . . . Funny World Isn't It?

Months and months ago, I set up a sitemeter on my site, you know, to collect data for me about the types of people the pass through. As usual, I forgot about it nearly a month after addition. Today was my first time back at it to check up since then, and well I'm quite amazed. Nearly 70% (this is what I am assuming) of my hits are due to two main sources, listed in order of most frequent:

1. This by far gets the most hits, and though phrasing sometimes differs, the main subject search is "every time I cough I hiccup." Hundreds of people have searched for this in the past months and have hit my page due to a completely irrelevant title of one of my posts "Cough. Hiccup. Cough" that I made becuase I couldn't think of anything else to title it. The post itself has nothing to do with either coughing or hiccuping. I, and would like to add, that I, particularly do not and have never known that coughing and hiccuping in sequence was ever an actual condition. How odd.

2. This has something to do with another post title of mine that has no particluar relevance to the post itself. The title is "Cats Like Chicken Liver" so I suppose you can guess what most people are searching for . . . do cats like chicken liver. The post itself mentions that I had chicken liver and oatmeal for dinner that night, with the title reflecting an observation that cats as well like chicken liver (or atleast thats what they keep advertising on all the cat pet food that I buy.) Again, I do not know particularly whether cats do or do not like chicken liver, but for the most part they seem to.

Well, I thought that if I was atleast getting hits by people for misleading titles, I should also adsdd a post explaining such, so people would get confused and to make it worth their time. Also, to go along with March's theme I will be posting some great Dylan videos either today or tomorrow . . . whenever I get some more time. As for now, I must go, for John and I are going out for the evening . . . because John thinks that we don't get out enough to connect with the rest of this thriving world of human beings to count ourselves as one of them . . . Whatever.


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