Somewhere between that moment and the following minutes, John was awoken by the noise and fumbled sleepily into the bathroom to find me pale in face lying on the bathroom floor. He saw me and the mess in the sink and quickly acted. Pulling me up and ushering me into the bedroom to change (of course, asking me first if I was going to hurl again) and then medicating me with aspirin and tucking me back into bed. Like a good guy, he even cleaned up the mess. I suppose that when you know your with a good guy, when they're willing to clean up your sickness and then even go to the trouble to supply you with orange juice (even if it doesn't stay down) and take you temperature. I had a slight fever of 100 . . . ah.
The doctor diagnosed me with stomach flu . . . again. I must be susceptible to it . . . Either that or the doctor had no clue and is just pushing his white pad and big words at me to get me to leave. Whichever, today I felt a little better. By 5 o'clock I was able to stomach dinner. I had some Kashi hot cereal with bananas. It was as good as possible.
In the meantime, I've been listening to Neko Case excessively and obsessively since yesterday afternoon. She's who I listened to the last time I was sick. I suppose she has that quality about her that I crave when I'm bed-ridden and weak. I mean, there's nothing better for sickness than that sense of woman empowerment that she radiates. Plus, I had to have somebody that would be folkly enough to wean me of my Neutral Milk Hotel kick. She fits into both requirements.

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