So I went a little crazy. Who cares? It was a candy gold mine . . . I think that is all that I need to say . . . Candy Gold Mine . . . those should be words enough for any sane person. Right now, I am just sitting and writing in awe of my wonder upon a.) perchancing upon a candy store that I never knew existed and b.) actually loading up in the candy store that I never knew existed. It makes me feel like I'm eight again, when everything was real and possible . . . of course, when I was a child I never ate much candy . . . my father didn't allow it, so all of my experiences were of the sneaked, hidden in the closet kind . . . in other words my brother, when he lived with us, snuck it to me whenever father wasn't around.
I'm in awe, complete and utter awe of the possiblities of the candy universe. Maybe I'm just crazy, but there are only so many chances in the life of an "adult" that one gets to have fun. I'm using one of those chances right now.
I love gumballs. Too bad the flavor lasts about ten seconds and then you have to pop another one in to get that rush of pink flavored goodness. By the time your gum chewing experience your jaw is in major pain and the wad of gum you've been smacking on is about the size of China. I suppose thats the major downfall of the gumball, and because of that I prefer chewies and gummies better. It's a two in one combo, because not only can you savor the yummy flavor but they are also chewable like gum, but you never have to worry about flavor going bad or having to dispose of it in one of the many ways that gum gets disposed . . . under the table, on the sidewalk, in your seat . . . but never in a trash can.
I had a couple of other bags of gummies and ropes, but alas, they didn't survive the trip home. I'm a sucker for gummies . . . and chewies . . . especially if they're grape or really any kind of fruit flavored. Ah, this is the joy of candy bliss . . . or maybe its a buzz of sugar . . . I can't really tell right now.
. . . I'm not sure what to say, but I hope that you're going to share-
of course I'll share, pick your weapon: gumballs, gumdrops, swedish fish, jelly beans . . . but not the gummies!
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