These are the views, as of late, from my life:

Quite quaint really, huh?
We have been bringing in quite a haul of tomatoes this season. It's seems we can't pull them off the plants fast enough, and better yet, we aren't having the aphid attacks my gardens are normally so predisposed for, so most of the veggies look healthy and bug-free. Now that the semester had begun again, and work is beginning to become the bane of my existence, I've been spending as much time as possible outside.
Gilgamesh, my cat, has naturally been making up for all the time we spent apart over the summer holiday. She now has picked of the knack of following my everywhere, standing directly behind me when I pause from walking, and mewing quite loudly when accidentally topple over her because of this. My other cat, Kawacatoose, seems to still only care about one thing: food.
I should go now, I have a class to be at in a couple of hours and I want to get some lab work in before that. I'm hoping that in a couple of weeks the rush of the beginning of the semester will have faded and my life will have gotten back to a more paced schedule.
On a side note, I'm also hoping the temperatures will begin to drop soon. I feel like I'm melting outside.
Nice, clean blog!
Sorry this is so late in reply, but thanks!
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