Thursday, January 22, 2009

Hold my head to the skin I said, when my heart wasn't always there. As you turn down the light in the long black night, peel back the moon, beware!

Today, I woke up. I showered. I stood contemplating my day's outfit. I was told the prior day offhandedly that my "attire" wasn't "professional" enough. I didn't know whether to take the comment seriously or not. I figured that the person that made this comment was just trying to make a jab at me for wearing jeans and tees rather than one of those tight (rather revealing) dresses that "Emily-down-the-hall" wears all the time. So, I dressed normally. I made a pot of tea. I nibbled on a croissant. I checked the time and got ready to leave pulling on my coat and scarf and hat and gloves. Bundled, to face the chilly winter weather I grudgingly walked toward the door. I stepped outside. I cursed, quite loudly. 

It was about 70 degrees and not quite the right temperature to be dressed for snow. 


mgi said...

never ever pay attention to such comments! dress as you please. please. salute.

Eve said...

Merci beaucoup! I surely shall keep trying, but sometimes . . . offhanded words just crawl under my skin and . . . fester.