Friday, September 12, 2008

All Smiles: Why I All About the Smiles . . . Again.

I have already very recently written up my feelings about All Smiles . . . otherwise known as Jim Fairchild, therefore, I will just be reposting that same post . . . even the part about John making dinner . . . because well, I don't want to bother about cutting it out:

"So, yeah . . . I'm not being weird or anything with the title and all; instead, my brother got a (tad bit) little bit eBay crazy, and bought a whole bunch of shit (that for most counts, one could say he never needed) and loaned me half of it . . . one of those item being a CD by All Smiles, otherwise known as Jim Fairchild of Grandaddy, a former band of which put the rock in "rocking your socks off" . . . they're . . . they were . . . AWESOME. Well, anyways, I'm currently to the CD, and yeah, alone he's no Grandaddy (and really he, alone, sounds nothing like the whole collective of the former band he partook in . . . like, it's a completely different genre) but hey, it's still pretty good. I'm digging it at least.

And on that note, I should go . . . dinner in five and John gets perturbed when I skip out on whatever delightful cuisine he's prepared for the night. I suppose he thinks I don't appreciate enough his slaving in the kitchen (if you could it that, since he thoroughly enjoys it.) Eh, I say he can deal."

So yeah, I definitely think it's better the second time around.

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