I've been a little busy, or so I say. I suppose I should tell the real truth, which is that I haven't had much to write about, and well, I don't really feel the need to write dribble about things that are . . . well, dribble. The only reason I am writing now is because I just got back from a very well fulfilled hiking trip to the Adirondacks, and I thought that I should comment on the complete joy of being out in the fresh air with nothing but wilderness surrounding . . . it's that feeling of being completely and utterly in tune with the rest of the world and every living being on the Earth. The hike gave me one of those feelings that made me have a tad bit more hope for the world, you know, kind of like the opposite of those feelings that makes one more intolerant for the plagues of the earth, if that is possible.
But anyways, I arrived back here to the city yesterday, which became a quick drag, since I had been lying out under the stars for the past weeks, and then to be shoved back indoors into the "comfort" of a house with heating and indoor plumbing was kind of . . . weird? I haven't yet uploaded all my pictures from my camera, but once I do, I'll post them so any available readers can have the not-quite-so-comforting-semi-cop-out-feeling of being one with the wilderness.
Oh, and on a lighter note, I'm back on the Sleater Kinney kick . . . nothing like the wilderness to make one crave something giving a little power to the women. Woot.