Also, I thought that since as a couple of months ago I went on a photo frenzy with this page, and the out of the blue haven't posted a picture in months, I supply a little bit of visual decadence to go along with the post.
Oh, and by the way, John and I are still sleeping at the new house on the air mattress in the living room. Thankfully, we'll be moving the bed and some actual furniture out here tomorrow night.
Hey Eve
Congrats on the House purchase. An exciting move is it not? We build our first new home when we returned form Africa. Sold our tiny box we owned since we where married over 20 years ago (We only live din in 8 months ourselves, rented to others all those years.)
That Cake thing (What was the name again?) send a slice!
Anyway we are soon setting lobster gear here - April 30th. Herring nets will soon hit the water. We launch the boat today in about 1 hour. Anyway, best of luck with your new moves and decisions. Filling the blank page with a little stuff I see ;-)
God Bless
Hello Andy,
Thanks for the congratualtions on the house. I wouldn't say it was exciting, but just welcomed, because the flat we live in now is just falling apart. And it seemed like the place just kept getting smaller . . . so naturally we bought a place that was probably too big!
I'm sure you would love Babka (that cake thing) though it's really not entirely cake . . . it's more like a mix between bread and cake, because it's really sweet like cake, but you bake like bread with yeast and everything. Anyways you should try it sometime!
Good luck with the fishing! I hope everything goes and and that you catch a lot! I haven't gone fishing in a long time, but back in the summers, I would go down to the Gulf of Mexico, in this little tiny boat in the middle of the ocean and run nets to catch shrimp. It was always so enjoyable, and on good days I'd catch a whole bunch-
Anyways, good luck again,
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