Thursday, March 6, 2008

A Reading Material Suggestion: For Those Days When You Need to be Put in Your Place, Carl Sagan's "Pale Blue Dot."

I previously, in this post, posted PDF manuscript of Carl Sagan's Pale Blue Dot. After a couple hours of thinking, I reconsidered the whole idea, because well, we all know you're not going to read the entire 201 pages just because I posted it. Therefore, I did a little bit more research . . . and found a video, that I am going to posted as well as the manuscript . . . because there are some pretty neat quotes in it. The video encompasses parts of the first chapter entitled "You are Here," is narrated using the key phrases of the chapter. Watch and Enjoy?

Now, if you enjoyed the video, I would hope you would go on to read the manuscript. You can go out and buy your own copy, or you could use this e-copy and either read it on the screen (which might hurt your eyes) or print it out and bind it as your own book.

Really, the only reason I am posting this now, is because I just read and finished the book. As normal, my brother mailed it to me. I usually don't like these types of books, but it was very . . . informative and so well, written that I just got enveloped in the picturesque-ness of the words.

This is my version of a book recommendation, because I alas, have no one to touch my mailing out a copy. I thought about picking out a name and address anonymously from the phone book, and sending it out anonymously with no return label . . . but I opted for this option, which would give more choice to the next reader rather than having it forced by mail . . . if that makes sense.


Eve said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Eve said...

So, yeah, I posted a comment and deleted it . . . because the comment was for the post before I revised it . . .

So, yeah. It's irrelevant.
But, you can still enjoy the post (it's better now anyways . . . )

Eve said...

Due to copyright infringement, Sagan's work was removed from the site it was being hosted on . . . and therefore removed from this posting well.

Sorry for the inconvenience.