Saturday, November 3, 2007

. . . I am knitting a hat to stay focused.

Hiya. I have been in a hole lately. I don't know why. Its just like everything was on the top of the world and then, BAM, the big crunch happens and everything wiped out. I think I have pinpointed the cause. A certain someone admitted certain "emotions" and well . . . that created a muddle. . . seeing how it makes me obligated to return said "emotions." The problem: I gave up on "emotions" a long time ago, too much of a hassle, so I became aemotional towards everyone ( . . . get the tricksy wordplay? its not a typo . . . ) I told said person about this and he thinks I'm lying, I believe the phrase was "jeez, if you're going to lie to me at least make-up a believable story . . . what do you take me for, a stupid?" It kind of sucks.

On a good note, however, I get to go to a conference in Los Angeles in two weeks. Exciting.

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