Monday, October 22, 2007

Cough. Hiccup. Cough.

I have been . . . frustrated at work and school this week (yeah, I am aware that it is still Monday.) However, when you get something around 100+ essays to grade . . . painstakingly if I might add (I begin to question their intelligence entirely once it becomes evident they don't know know to work the 'spell check' option) . . . tell me about it and try to make it sound enjoyable, because I know it isn't. Then there is the entirely opposite issue . . . those deadly essays I have to write. It is not looking good in my future.

I told John to ring my line next week with the hope that I'm still alive.

Ha . . . and my doctor told me to stop stressing, albeit the shingles incident.
Given the circumstances . . . I think I am doing pretty well.


Andy Rayner said...

Hi There Eve
I finally had time to come over here and have a look-see.
Swanky Blog title by the way :-)
I was recuperating form a 3 day weekend after having taken high school kids to a weekend conference.
I knew I was in trouble Friday night when some other sponsors landed with ear plugs already in their ears. Hard to believe that at 39 one can feel so old.
Anyway, sorry about your shingles episode - That sucks big time. And Good luck on grading the papers. I was and still am the spelling "xpspurt". ;-)
So is your masters in environment as well? Can I tell you short story. When I worked in West African forest villages, we had a lady arrive who took a strip off the village people for throwing their water baggies (Tiny sacks of water they buy to drink from the youth as they travel and go about their day) One asked what should we do with them then? And she said put them in the dump. Anyway, they laughed as there was no dump. However, I suggested she organize the village to have one and I got a glare. Goes to show how much we really care some times eh?
Anyway, you look like an interesting person. Bets of luck on correcting those essays. BLA!

Eve said...

Thanks for commenting. My blog is not much and is more of a chore done for the sake of my sanity as my stress and neurotic levels rise. The title is my greatest achievement. I was just so tired of seeing those perky little strawberries on mingling with cheerios, because nobody eats them strawberries, (forgive me if you are one of those weirdoes that does) everybody eats them bananas.

In answer to your question, my masters is not in environmental studies; instead, it is in ecological biodiversity with emphasis in marine biology and entomology. It is a lot of words; I know, but basically to summate: I know a lot about saltwater habitats and insects. If everything goes well (because in this world things are prone to not go well,) I will actually be graduating this winter and then it is off to who-knows-where to begin research (well, not exactly, I am going to remain here teaching for the next semester . . . ugh that means more papers to grade.) You spoke of feeling old at 39, I feel old at 26. After everything I’ve done, which now looking back was a whole lot of stuff to be crammed into one schedule, I am ready to pull out the cane and become bed-ridden.

Anyways, thanks for the interesting story, though I myself have always been wary of dumps and their kin, the landfill, but I would be a hypocrite if I said did not use one, though sparingly. Recycle first and then dump, that is my motto. However, with relevance to your story, I have accepted the fact that there will always be people that talk a lot about being cleaner, healthier, more ‘earth conscious’ people, but when everything boils down for them to actually act, they disappear in the movement. I used to fund and start up Eco-Awareness and Habitat Projects all the time back when I lived in Chicago. However, after a while, I just quit doing them, because at the meetings and luncheons, there would always be a large number of people and we’d plan projects to clean parks and lakeside beaches and whatnot. Every time, though, it seemed that on the day of the activities I’d be the only person, besides a trickle of a couple others coming and going, that would show up. So I gave up and afterword I was always amazed at the number of that would come up to me and ask why. The answer: what’s the point of having a group community service project if there is only one person there? I think a majority of people just like to hear ideas in their heads and through their voices, not through action.

I still have faith in the good will of those around me, however, and I trust that in the future people will put more initiative into improving their earth.